10 Things About Wicca

1. No conversion or recruitment is necessary... Wiccans have no insecure compulsion to convert everyone to their way of thinking (they are not evangelical). People come to Wicca when and if they are interested and ready. Also, you are not required to accept or do anything that you are uncomfortable with.

2. No artificial code of morality... Out of all the creatures of this earth, just humans are forced to live under unnatural moral codes. Wiccans believe: "An it harm none, do as ye will".

3. Progressive reincarnation... Wiccans believe we are all here to learn and progress, not suffer eternal damnation if we "slip up" in someone else's eyes, or disagree(they don't believe in sins and do believe that we live many lifetimes on earth).

4. No discrimination... There's no such thing as being the "right" race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin to be Wiccan; ALL are welcome.

5. No middle man (or woman)... Once you know all of the basics, you can be your own "minister" or "priest/ess". You need never bow before (or reply upon) some religious dictator for spiritual guidance. You choose what to believe, you don't need anyone to tell you what is there or what is "right."

6. Be yourself... By sharing a common interest with others in Wicca, you do not lose your identity as an individual. You are unique and should stay the way you were before and avoid becoming a blob in a homogeneous mass.

7. No repression... Wiccans are not forbidden from reading, learning, eating, drinking, believing, or saying anything. You can actually disagree with someone without being considered ignorant.

8. Contribution... Not money, knowledge. The craft has always, and will always, be an experimental religion. If it works, we use it. Then share it with others so that all in the craft may benefit.

9. No rigid dogma... Wiccans do not believe that their path is "the one and only". The only true path is the one that works best for you. All paths are valid if they harm none.

10. Self-empowerment... Wicca allows you to truly feel your own power and a real sense of self.

Messages in the Moonlight 


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