October's Moon -- Random thoughts.

Still your mind,
and still your soul,
heed the words that make you grow,
listen to the winds of the sages,
learn the wisdom of the mages,
handed down to us from the ages.
-- R.A. Melos, 
"A Witch's Words to Her Familiar On Samhain" (Fragg)

From A Collection of Samhain Poetry

Samhain is almost here... you can sense its presence in the air you breathe, the leaves that fall, the moon that peeks out through the sky. There has always been something magical about this time of year, and you cannot grasp the exact thing that is magical about it. All you know is that you have the need to go out, dance under the moonlight, ride your broom, and boil something in the cauldron. It electrifies us in a way no other sabbath does. As the spirits prepare to return to the land of the living for a few short hours, we should also prepare to relish with them the joys of their return. True is, with their passing a void has been left, but also true is that with their return, a gleeful showers suddenly comes forth.

Times of renewal are upon us, and we should make note of it. What have we done this year that can be renewed, what have we done that has to be mended. Meditation is key to offer the Goddess and God our spirit to be cleansed in the underworld, cleansed from those negative influences only to be reborn again come Yule time. 

What can I do to be closer to this universe? What part of my spirit must be released from negativity so that my spellwork is clear? How can I welcome this change in my life, how can I embrace it without feeling like I am leaving an important part of me behind? What voice will I hear this year, coming from the past? What are my ancestors trying to show me through the veil? Important questions we raise and need to ask. Important conversations we need to have with our inner self. 

Samhain is here, my dear witches.

Embrace it! 


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