Candle Magic

The dancing flames of candles have been used as a Witches' tool for centuries. By setting the proper atmosphere, candles are used to help increase a spell's power, or to influence a particular power. Candles absorb one's personal energy and release this energy when burned Candle colour is very important when performing magick, for each colour emits a particular vibration and attracts certain influences. The following list is meant to be used as a guide in choosing a candle colour for your personal use. Please remember that colour is another "tool" and you need choose what works best for you in your magickal workings. If you do not have the colour mentioned for a particular need, allow your intuition and the Goddess guide you in choosing one for your purposes.

The candles you use should be ones you yourself make out of beeswax, using natural dyes and essential oils, if desired. Beeswax sheets are available at most hobby stores, and are a fast and easy way to make your own candles at home. Realizing this is not always possible, you may use what is readily available to you. Prior to using any candle in your workings you should cleanse the candle and anoint it with a small amount of oil during the waxing phase of the moon. This consecrates the candle and charges it with magickal energy. You can also carve or paint appropriate magickal symbols onto your candles, to further empower the candles with those energies. The heated tip of your athame works well for this purpose. It is best to use one candle per ritual or spell, and to not use a candle that has been used previously for another purpose. It is also best to allow the candle to burn out by itself, as blowing it out may disperse the energy contained within.

A balance of all colours. Symbolizes peace, purity , innocence and power of a higher nature. Promotes peace, tranquillity, purification; truth, spirituality, and sincerity. Also used for meditation, truth seeking, spiritual enlightenment, summoning spirit guides, astral travel, and to enhance psychic abilities. Can be as protective as black and may be substituted for any colour candle. Healing properties include treating broken bones, relieving dental pain and increasing milk production in nursing mothers. White is also a Goddess symbol.

A stimulating and uplifting colour that is the colour of creativity; intelligence, confidence; movement and energy. Connects to clairvoyance, divination, wisdom, learning; imagination, and inspiration as well as the power of concentration and communication. Used in healing skin conditions as well as stomach complaints and menstrual cramps. Yellow symbolizes the element of Air.

Is a stimulating and energizing colour. It connects to attraction, stimulation, control, personal strength, authority, and power. Also encouragement, adaptability, luck, and sudden changes. It attracts the characteristics wanted from other tools, spells and rituals. Very good for healing coughs, colds and asthma as well as arthritis and exhaustion.

Colour that promotes understanding and attracts the powers of cosmic influences; intuition, persuasion, charm and confidence. Beneficial in rituals intended to bring about fast luck or financial benefits, or in rituals honouring solar deities.

A positive colour symbolic of emotional love, nurturing relationships and romance. Promotes spiritual awakening, healing of the spirit, femininity, friendships, honor and morality. It is the standard colour of rituals to draw affections and brings friendly, lively conversation to the dinner table. Excellent for treating anxiety and depression, as well as ailments of the heart.

The fiery, invigorating colour of energy and life. Always connected to blood, birth and death; and sex. Connects with love, passion, fertility, physical energy and strength. Increases magnetism in rituals and is used in defensive magick. Also emotes courage and enthusiasm. Good in health, strength and vigor spells and defensive magick. Used in healing neuralgias and exhaustion. Red symbolizes the element of Fire as well as being a God Symbol.

Vibrating colour that is highly spiritual and traditionally connected to mysticism, inspiration, wisdom, idealism, purification; success, peace; and power. Aids in meditation, sensitivity and higher psychic talents; as well as connecting to idealism, ambition, power, success and household protection. Healing properties include the treatment of allergies, sleep disorders and stress-related disorders.

A combination of red and violet that is a very high vibrational frequency that tends to work fast. This colour energizes rituals where immediate action and high levels of power or spiritual healing are required, such as quick changes, exorcism or spiritual healing.

An earthy, balanced colour, used to attract money and financial success. It aids in emotional stability and balance, eliminates indecisiveness, improves powers of concentration, study, intuition, and telepathy. Also connects also to finding lost objects. Aids in the protection of familiars and household pets as well as animal healing.

A vitalizing colour of inertia; used to cleanse the spirit and remove fear. Used in rituals that require a deep meditative state, to neutralize another's magick, or to counteract negative energy. Healing properties include dementia, depression, and mental disorders.

A cool colour that soothes and relaxes. Blue is a primary spiritual colour, used in rituals to obtain wisdom, tranquillity, harmony, peace, inner light and truth. Connects to inspiration, occult power, protection, understanding, good health, patience and loyalty. Aids in meditation as it connects to intellect and mind. Promotes happiness, laughter and joviality. Used in treating insomnia, high blood pressure, and minor wounds. Blue symbolizes the element of Water.

The colour that connects to nature, fertility, and rejuvenation. Stimulates work involving financial issues and money; aids good fortune, prosperity, luck; ambition and success. Bringer of love and renewal, it is an emotional soother and balancer, used to counteract greed and jealousy. A good colour for treating headaches, colds and nervousness. Green is the colour of the Earth element and is a Goddess Symbol.

Neutral colour that removes negative energy or influences and encourages stability. Useful when pondering complex issues during meditation and in magic, this colour often sparks confusion; it also negates or neutralizes when needed. Helps develop psychic abilities and attracts the influence of the Goddess.

Burned for positive purposes, this colour opens up the deeper levels of the unconscious. Black is used in rituals to induce a deep meditational state and is good for banishing evil or negativity. Connects to self control, quiet power, and resilience, as it absorbs negativity and destroys it; offers strength and support in spells; protects from retribution and is also an aid during loss.


Samhain : Black, orange
Yule : Red, green & white
Imbolg : Red, pink & brown.
Eostara : Green, yellow & gold
Beltaine : Dark green
Litha : Green, blue
Lughnasadh : Yellow, orange
Mabon : Orange, brown & yellow


Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) : Light Blue or Pale Yellow
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) : Aquamarine
Aries (March 21 - April 19) : Red
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) : Green
Gemini (May 21 - June 21) : Yellow or Orange
Cancer (June 22 - July 22) : White or Dark Green
Leo (July 23 - August 22) : Gold or Yellow
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) : Gray or Marbled
Libra (September 23 - October 22) : Royal Blue
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) : Black or Red
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - December 21) : Dark Blue or Purple
Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) : Black or Dark Brown


Sunday : Yellow
Monday : White
Tuesday : Red
Wednesday : Purple
Thursday : Blue
Friday : Green
Saturday : Black



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