Kitchen Witch: 4 Thieves Vinegar

Legend has it that during the bubonic plague four thieves were caught stealing from houses where everyone had died from the plague. When the judge asked them how they were able to do this without contracting the plague, they claimed they drank and washed with this vinegar every few hours. In return for the recipe, the thieves got their freedom. 

The primary purpose of Four Thieves Vinegar is to provide personal protection from disease and magical attack, especially if the attack is ongoing and looks to continue for a time. In addition, it is used to strengthen you and weaken your enemies while you work to drive away unwanted people or to make a family quarrel and fall out among themselves.

Drink it by the teaspoonful, use it in salad dressing, or even add a spoonful to your bath water for personal protection. Sprinkle or dash it against an enemy's doorsteps or serve it to an enemy as a condiment to protect yourself while you lay other tricks get them out of your life.

What You'll Need for 2 quarts of vinegar :
2 tablespoons each:

  • lavender
  • rosemary
  • sage
  • rue
  • mint
  • wormwood
  • garlic
Soak and shake all of the herbs for two weeks and strain.

Take some 4 Thieves Vinegar and put it in a small bottle. Write the name of the person you want out of your life on a piece of paper and put it in the bottle with the vinegar. Seal the bottle tight and then throw the bottle into "moving" water (river or??) where it will be carried away from you.

As you throw it in the water, visualize the person moving out of your life and far away from you.





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